About Civilta

Our Vision… To provide real estate solutions for every type of demand, as confined to the clients’ available financial capacities.   Our Mission… CIVILTA is dedicated to delivering superior real estate services in Egypt, while ensuring optimum satisfaction of its clients. We thrive to build long-lasting dynamic strategies to help our clients in spotting and seizing opportunities, in differentiating investments , in growing , and in taking the best decisions themselves in today’s hypercompetitive marketplace.   Our Values… Integrity:                     Building relationships that are based on trust. Excellence:                Exceeding as much the needs and expectations of all. Mutual Profitability:   Having the resources to grow and prosper consistent with our other values. Communication:        Positive, productive, and harmonious relationships and environment. Cooperation:              To search for the needs of the client to fulfill client’s satisfaction.   Our Principle… CIVILTA believes that Real Estate Management requires more than just market assessment, feasibility and engineering studies in order to be successful, marketable, and foremost sellable. Customer needs assessment, site selection, financing tools as well as legal and administrative formalities facilitation are essential to complete and promote real estate property management deals successfully.   Accordingly, traditional strategies may not suffice in the long run to be operationally viable. Hence, a streamlined though generic framework goes along and that can be replicated for several property management processes in such a way that the productivity curve of the Company tends higher, whilst the lessons learnt from one transaction feeds the success of every future transaction.   Two main hallmarks,  ….. pursuit of quality and excellence, …befit a company that embraces them, to ensure that CIVELTA remains a torch bearer in every aspect of the Real Estate Management business.   We believe in our ambition and capacity as a ‘Property Management Powerhouse’ in the Real Estate industry as we market and promote innovative developments, putting in the hands of Beneficiaries the best of the company’s talents, qualifications and expertise, as well as local and regional strategic contacts.